Sustained Light Chain is an AV performance project lead by Lucas Paris.

My role for this project involved creating tools and systems in Unity to help Lucas produce the set-pieces and visuals of his performance through a VR interface, as well as interfacing with OSC output streams from his own systems.

Lucas' Artist Statement

The AV performance Sustained Light Chain is a digital environment of complexity fusing textures of morphing light, signal networks, chain reactions and virtual botany into a real time audiovisual instrument.

The technique behind the work was inspired by ecosystem activity, exponentiality, mycelium, permaculture, bio-design and the ways we are navigating contemporary choices in a context of climate change. It also stems from the efforts of creating a virtual environment and its rules with a conscious effort to move the use of game engines beyond adversity, conflict, attack, evaluation and reward, and towards care, reflection, attention and perception.

The work embraces fluidity between virtual and real, and between human technicality and nature.

Commissioned by PARADISE ART SPACE, Co-produced by ELEKTRA MONTREAL. Producer and Curator Jay Bang, Co-producer Alain Thibault

Additional Unity programming by Victor Ivanov

Research funded by the Canada Council for the Arts