Created from the same underlying technology as the Early Midnights, the Toriyomu are a mix between hera flesh (a subspecies of horse), some hera neural tissue, and the nano symbiote that interfaces with neural tissue.
Read more about Toriyomu through VOIDNET.
With the exception of some rare cases, unaltered humans cannot operate the Toriyomu as they require a cerebral interface to pilot. Naturally, this leaves Early Midnights as the primary operators.
These meshes were procedurally modeled in their entirety in Houdini. Texture maps were produced in Substance Designer, and materials and rendering were done in Blender.
Model 218
Originally created for racing and high-speed recon missions, early versions of the 200 series fell out of use and are now primarily seen as antique luxury vehicles for collectors.

Model 251
Newer versions of the 200 series come equipped with a hyperlock drive for increased stability at supersonic speeds.
Some military variants also boast high-range radar cloaking for advanced recon.

Model 614
Outfitted with heavy armor plating, ion cannons, and an EMF shield, the 600 series is known mostly for its military-oriented purposes. Coloquially known as "the tick", likely a double-entendre regarding both its shape, and (ironically) its size (W:15m, L:25m, H:7.5m).

Model 989
The 900 series focuses on transport of heavy payloads in both commercial and military settings, coming in low cost variants as well as high-speed shieled ones.